Integra Infotech is an IT company registered in Japan

Have an IT team work for you from India. Have solutions served to you in Japan with assurance on security of your data and information.

Integra Infotech Japan

We are the Integra Infotech

Integra Infotech is a company registered in Iki City of Nagasaki. We represent a set of Indian software and technology companies in Japan. Integra Infotech brings to our Japanese clients, the services from these Indian companies.

These Indian companies offer state-of-the-art digital transformation services using the Digital Worker concept to large and medium corporates and Government bodies. Integra Infotech supports its clients with business teams based out of Japan and delivery teams from Bengaluru, India.

Integra Infotech is a subsidiary of the Integra Group of Companies headquartered in Bengaluru, India.

How Integra Infotech can help you.

Our Offerings

We help you evolve your applications, platforms and infrastructure to meet the needs of a modern, efficient digital enterprise. We also help you re-imagine and create the digital processes that not only drive performance but also close the process gaps between customers, suppliers and partners with automation, insights and process platforms.

Integra Infotech helps clients implement AI driven digital workforce concept. We are experts in Robotic Process Automation, DevOps Implementation & Training, MS Power Apps, Testing Services and Custom Software Development. Integra Infotech offers flexible engagement models like dedicate resources to building a centre of excellence or competency centre of its customers.


Rethinking digital transformation during COVID-19

After the Virus

Navigate the COVID-19 crisis and its aftermath, and emerge with a commanding position in your industry. Take a phased approach to managing the coronavirus chaos and transform the shockwaves into a catalyst for positive change.