Multi factor authentication

Multi-fator Authentication system

With increased online transactions, security is a critical component for organisations around the world. Two factor authentication is increasingly being replaced with multi-factor authentication, augmented with biometrics for added security.

Authentication is the process of knowing the truth of one’s identity/entity. Multi-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security when logging in or performing transactions online, which requires more than one mode of authentication to verify the credentials of the user/s. Thus, creating a layered defence against the unauthorized person to access information and averts online frauds.

Configurable Multi-factor authentication and Single Sign On systems

  1. OS Login
  2. Web Application

Multi-factor authentication services

  1. Integration with LDAP, Active Directory Services
  2. Finger Prints
  3. Iris
  4. Palm
  5. Face
  6. OTP – SMS/Email



  1. Computer login, including Single Sign On
  2. Application specific login, including Single Sign On
  3. Attendance
  4. Payment authentication services